“I Will Show the Salvation of God. Psalm 50:23.” Fr. Carl’s third part of our Advent sermon series on Psalm 50.
The Second Sunday in Advent, 2017
“Hear, O My People, and I Will Speak. Psalm 50:7.” Fr. Carl’s second part of our Advent sermon series on Psalm 50.
The First Sunday in Advent, 2017
“The Lord, Even the Most Mighty God, Hath Spoken. Psalm 50:1.” Fr. Carl’s first part of our Advent sermon series on Psalm 50.
The Sunday next before Advent, 2017
“For You Have Done Wonderful Things. Isaiah 25:1.” Fr. Carl Lund’s sermon for the Sunday next before Advent.
The Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“O God, Our Refuge and Strength.” Fr. Carl Lund’s sermon for the Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity.
The Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“Devoutly Given to Serve Thee in Good Works.” Fr. Carl Lund’s sermon for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity.
The Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity, 2017
Our Presiding Bishop Ray Sutton’s sermon for the Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity was taken from the Epistle lesson from Ephesians concerning the armor of God.
The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“Look Carefully then How You Walk. Ephesians 5:15.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Twentieth Sunday after Trinity.
The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“We are members one of another. Ephesians 4:25.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“Grace to Withstand the Temptations of the World, the Flesh, and the Devil.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2017
Ephesians 3:14-19. Fr. Eric’s sermon for the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2017
Galatians 6:11-18. Fr. Eric’s sermon for the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“Make us love that which thou dost command. How do we avoid pride? (Deuteronomy 8:17)“ Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope. Psalm 130:5.“ Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
“Forgiving us those things whereof our conscience is afraid.“ Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity.
The Tenth Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“Send out your light and your truth. Psalm 43:3“ Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Tenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Ninth Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“It is fitting to Celebrate and to be Glad. Luke 15:32“ Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Ninth Sunday after Trinity. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
Transfiguration 2017
“Delivered from the Disquietude of this World.“ Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Transfiguration of Christ. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
The Seventh Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“Great is the Lord: the author and giver of all good things“ Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Seventh Sunday after Trinity.
The Sixth Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it. Genesis 4:7. Dealing with Sinful/Stressful Anger“ Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Sixth Sunday after Trinity. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.