“In all godly quietness: How God Quiets us in a World of Noise, Fear, and Stress“ Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Fifth Sunday after Trinity.
Isaiah 4
The fourth lesson in Fr. Carl's study of Isaiah's prophecy.
Isaiah 3
Our third class in our study of Isaiah’s prophecy.
The Third Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“Wait for the Lord.” Fr. Carl’s sermon series for the Trinity season is “Dealing with Fear in a Fear Mongering Culture.” ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
The Second Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you. I John 3:13” Fr. Carl’s sermon series for the Trinity season is “Dealing with Fear in a Fear Mongering Culture.”
Isaiah 2
Fr. Carl is leading this Bible study in the Book of Isaiah.
The First Sunday after Trinity, 2017
“Perfect Love Casts out Fear. I John 4:18.” Fr. Carl’s sermon series for the Trinity season will be “Dealing with Fear in a Fear Mongering Culture.”
Isaiah 1
Fr. Carl leads us through the first section of Isaiah's prophecy.
Isaiah: Introduction
Fr. Carl is leading a study of the Book of Isaiah on Tuesday mornings.
Pentecost, 2017
“Peace in His Comfort.” Fr. Carl concludes our sermon series, “Peace Be unto You: Living Risen Lives in Christ,” with this sermon for Pentecost. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
The Sunday after Ascension Day, 2017
“Peace in His Triumph” Fr. Carl continues our sermon series, “Peace Be unto You: Living Risen Lives in Christ,” which will last until Pentecost.
Ascension Day, 2017
“Your God Reigns.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for Ascension Day
Rogation Sunday, 2017
“Peace in thinking those things that are good.” Fr. Carl continues our sermon series, “Peace Be unto You: Living Risen Lives in Christ,” which will last until Pentecost.
The Fourth Sunday after Easter, 2017
“Peace in Loving His Commandments.” Fr. Carl continues our sermon series, “Peace Be unto You: Living Risen Lives in Christ,” which will last until Pentecost.
The Third Sunday after Easter, 2017
“Peace in His Discipline. Two Types; When in Sin AND of Growing in Grace.” Fr. Carl continues our sermon series, “Peace Be unto You: Living Risen Lives in Christ,” which will last until Pentecost.
The Second Sunday after Easter, 2017
“The Benefit of His Peace.” Fr. Carl continues our sermon series, “Peace Be unto You: Living Risen Lives in Christ,” which will last until Pentecost.
The First Sunday after Easter, 2017
“The Status ofHis Peace.” Fr. Carl is beginning a sermon series, “Peace Be unto You: Living Risen Lives in Christ,” which will last until Pentecost.
Easter Sunday, 2017
“Stand, Listen, Celebrate.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for Easter Day.
Easter Even, 2017
“Stand, Listen, Remember.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for Easter Even.
Maundy Thursday, 2017
“Stand, Listen, Participate.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for Maundy Thursday.