“Stand, Listen, Witness.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for Palm Sunday. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
The Fifth Sunday in Lent, 2017
“Restore and Renew Us. Lamentations 5.” Fr. Carl concludes our sermon series for Lent.
The Fourth Sunday in Lent, 2017
“He will keep you in exile no longer.” Lamentations 4. Fr. Carl continues our sermon series for Lent.
St. Patrick's, 2017
A St. Patrick’s Day sermon from our Presiding Bishop, the Most Reverend Ray Sutton. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
The Third Sunday in Lent, 2017
“Do Not Fear: Confidence in God amidst Turmoil.” Lamentations 3:52-6. Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Third Sunday in Lent. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
The Second Sunday in Lent, 2017
“Let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in heaven.” Lamentations 3:41. Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Second Sunday in Lent.
The First Sunday in Lent, 2017
“It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord: Lamentations 3:26.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for the First Sunday in Lent.
Ash Wednesday, 2017
Fr. Carl’s sermon for Ash Wednesday.
Quinquagesima, 2017
“Enduring Affliction Opens our Eyes to His Faithfulness. Lamentations 3:1-24“ from Lamentations: His Mercies Never Come to an End, our sermon series for Pre-Lent and Lent. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
Galatians Bible Study, February 19th 2017
Rev. Eric Harvey continues our study of Galatians.
Sexagesima, 2017
“He Has Broken Down the Strongholds” from Lamentations: His Mercies Never Come to an End, our sermon series for Pre-Lent and Lent. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
Septuagesima, 2017
“Lamentations 1: No Resting Place.” “Lamentations: His mercies never come to an end,” our sermon series for Pre-Lent and Lent, begins this week. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, 2017
“Singing Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Colossians 3:16“ Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany.
Galatians Bible Study, February 5th 2017
The Rev. Eric Harvey is leading our Sunday School in a study of Galatians.
The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, 2017
“Rebellion is healed by forgiving Refuge that fosters Respect and Reverence.” Part 4 of The Epiphany Sermon Series on living Christ in a Commuter Church Context. Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany.
The Third Sunday after Epiphany, 2017
“Increasing the Inheritance of the Church through Incorporation.” Part III of “Living as the Heirs of God in a Commuter Context.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany.
The Second Sunday after Epiphany, 2017
“Exhort each other to endure through encouragement: Living Christ in the Context of a Commuter Church Part II: Exhortation, Endurance, Encouragement.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Second Sunday after Epiphany. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
The First Sunday after Epiphany, 2017
“Holiness Befits Your House.” Psalm 93:5 Fr. Carl begins our Epiphany Season Sermon Series, “HEIRS: Living Christ in the Context of a Commuter Church.” Week One’s lesson is, “Holy.” ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
Epiphany, 2017
Fr. Carl's sermon for the Epiphany, or the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. ”Worshipping God the Holy Trinity, proclaiming His Word, and living and serving together in obedience to Him.” Church of the Holy Trinity is a Reformed Episcopal Parish of the Anglican Church in North America located near downtown Houston.
The Circumcision of Christ, 2017
“For it is God who works in you: Philippians 2:13. How God circumcises our hearts as described in Psalm 103.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Circumcision of Christ.