“I Have Asked for Him from the Lord.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for the First Sunday after Epiphany begins a new series in First Samuel.
Epiphany, 2019
“Because He has made you Beautiful. Isaiah 60:1-9.” Fr. Carl’s sermon for the Feast of the Epiphany.
The First Sunday after Christmas, 2018
Merry Christmas! Fr. Carl’s sermon for the First Sunday after Christmas Day was taken from Psalm 84.
Christmas Eve, 2018
Merry Christmas! Fr. Eric’s homily for Christmas Eve was taken from the Epistle lesson from Hebrews 1.
The Third Sunday in Advent, 2018
“One Who Sows Discord Among Brothers.” Fr. Carl concludes our sermon series on the seven abominations of Proverbs 6
The Second Sunday in Advent, 2018
“A False Witness That Breathes Out Lies.” Fr. Carl’s sixth sermon in a series on the seven abominations of Proverbs 6.
The First Sunday in Advent
“Feet That Make Haste to Run to Evil.” Fr. Carl’s fifth sermon in a series on the seven abominations of Proverbs 6
Sunday Next Before Advent, 2018
“A Heart that Devises Wicked Plans.” Fr. Carl’s fourth sermon in a series on the seven abominations of Proverbs 6.
The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Trinity, 2018
Hands That Shed Innocent Blood.” Fr. Carl’s third sermon in a series on the seven abominations of Proverbs 6.
The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity, 2018
“A Lying Tongue.” Fr. Carl’s second sermon in a series on the seven abominations of Proverbs 6.
The Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity, 2018
“Watch Out for Those Haughty Eyes.” Fr. Carl’s first sermon in a series on the seven abominations of Proverbs 6
St. Simon and St. Jude, 2018
Deacon Dave Marshall’s sermon from Sunday.
The Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity, 2018
Fr. Eric’s sermon for the Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity is taken from the reading in Isaiah.
The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity, 2018
Fr. Eric’s sermon for the Twentieth Sunday after Trinity is taken from the reading in St. Matthew’s Gospel.
The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2018
Fr. Eric’s sermon for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity is taken from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians.
The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2018
Deacon Dave Marshall’s sermon for the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, 2018
Fr. Eric’s sermon for the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity is from Psalm 36.
The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2018
Fr. Eric’s sermon for the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2018
Fr. Eric’s sermon for the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2018
Fr. Eric’s sermon for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.